F.Y.I.T.M. ("fight-em")
Sometimes you go out drinking with friends and you end up naming a beer. Born in jest, on an evening just like this one, Five Years In The Making (F.Y.I.T.M.) is its official moniker. But if you visit our brewery and give a wink, a nod and your best secret handshake, you my learn it's more infamous handle. When it's all said and done, F.Y.I.T.M. (pronounced "fight-em") is a Double IPA that is full of un-holy hop goodness and ho-ocity. F.Y.I.T.M. is a creeper and will probably friend you on Facespace. He loves memes that are "relatable" and is only "half-a-man" until after his morning coffee.
ABV: 10.1% IBU: 110
Balanced + Citrus + Sneaky